Friday, November 28, 2008

Center to open tomorrow in Shanghai to build: a total investment of 14.8 billion, about 632 meters high

With a total investment of 14,800,000,000 yuan in Shanghai Center, will officially start tomorrow, when the Lujiazui financial district will be a "three pillars" of the situation.
"Shanghai Center" located in the heart of Lujiazui area of small plots Z3, the skyscrapers of the main structure of the building height of 580 meters, 632 meters high total of 121 layers. The figure set a new recently completed the Shanghai World Financial Center 492 meters, the 101-story record.
Building, construction and development center in Shanghai Limited, Jian-Ping Gu, general manager, is a large domestic banks are optimistic about the project, also said that banks should provide loans, "the company, is also doing some financial innovations in the hope of a multi - Kinds of programs and channels to achieve financial security projects, to raise funds at a lower cost. "
It is reported that under normal circumstances the Shanghai Center is expected to be the World Expo in 2010 when part of the cap on the ground floor, the ceiling structure in 2012 and part of the operation, in 2014 the completion of delivery. And the Jin Mao Tower will be built, the Shanghai World Financial Center in Shanghai an important component of the "financial services center, business center facilities, public activity center."
As the Pudong Lujiazui financial city of Shanghai landmarks in the financial services sector and an important carrier, the Shanghai Center is the main target tenants include banking, insurance, securities, funds and other financial services. Even the financial industry has done a special design, for example, there will be a special trading floor, also for the entry of financial institutions to provide 24-hour business services.
However, the current economic situation, it is available for leasing is not a simple subject. August 28 Kaimennake the Shanghai World Financial Center, the current rental rate of 50%. It is reported that some of the company's intention to have been due to the impact of financial crisis and gave up plans to move into, or to reduce the size of the lease.
Jian-Ping Gu said: "We had many years of repeated, very careful decision-making, decided to start now." In his view, at this time is obviously a very good time.
He said that the current prices of construction materials and energy than before, had decreased significantly, the project is beneficial to control construction costs. According to the previous experience of the financial crisis, I believe that after three to five years of economic recovery will be. "I personally believe that the next round of the economic recovery will have greater development, so the project will now start to be completed in 2014 is an excellent opportunity." He also said that due to be completed when the market has recovered, it will rent Will be higher than current levels.